Saturday, July 22, 2023


Forget the coach who shouted you, forget the teacher who embarrassed you, forget the person who disrespected you, forget all of your mistakes and just focus on the next move. Live in the present moment, forget the future and the past because it's not relevant to what are you trying to accomplish. Feel free to do something that will give you a chance to win. Pull the trigger now and stop waiting for any validation from other people, you can become unstoppable if you choose to. Nothing can hold you back, watch your thoughts... it's the only thing that is stopping you. They can say anything to you, they can treat you bad but you can still press forward if you want to. External events has nothing to do with you, it is powerless, you can do something great if you will allow yourself to become great. Push yourself to the limits and never back down to any challenge. Fear is the compass, whenever you are scared and hesitant... do it. Never stop, never care if you are right or wrong, if your intention is right then you are right. Don't worry about making mistakes again, don't worry about failing and just pull the trigger. At the end of the day none of these matters, the only thing that matters is what you are doing now. Are you doing it for yourself? or are you doing it for other people? you need to be selfish because that's the only way to grow, be selfish and when you succeed... be generous. Give yourself a chance to become great, don't be too passive and slow, don't be too nice, you need to become nasty and mean. You need to become fast, bold and aggressive. The next move is what matters the most, forget everything that is trying to stop you and just do it. 

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