Monday, July 3, 2023


You can become a very talented person but if you're not hustling then you will never get anywhere. Hustle is the key, it's the grind, it's the long hours of working without expecting too much in return that will take you to another level. You must be hungry for work, not hungry for money or results. A man who loves the journey will go further than a man who loves the results. The reason why you're not progressing is because you love the results too much, you're thinking about it all the time that's why you're not working hard anymore, you're needy of it, your energy goes to the state of lack, you're always feeling bad whenever you can't see any improvements in your life. The real prize is the person you become by attacking your goals and going to the extreme. 


Go every deep with your desire, develop that insane focus, develop that strong discipline because that's all you need to become successful. You need to dedicate your life into something. Take actions all the time and never stop until you finally ingrained it into your system. The reason why you're lazy is because you're not even trying. You just want to make results right away, you wanted to finish any hard task for 5 minutes, you love shortcuts. You must try to enjoy the process and never stop until it's done. Try to focus, try to push yourself to the limits. Learn to start fast without thinking about the next move, just focus on the present move and never stop, you will never run out of ideas and energy, you will always find a way how to execute the next move, all you have to do is go all the way and give your best, as simple as that. Go deep, go to the extreme and find a way how to make things happen, find a way how to win by being brave and trying everything you can using your strength and tenacity. 


Take actions all the time. This should be your  new lifestyle, you should learn how to move forward even if you feel lazy. Don't stay on the downtime for a very long time, you have to start moving now and push yourself to accomplish something. Go all the way and never think about your efforts getting wasted, you must feel good every time you work hard and gave your best even though you didn't get anything from it. Because if you really want it then you must dedicate your life for it. Stop being a clown, stop being a punk, you're better than that. Stop playing the weak game and start rebuilding yourself from scratch. It's ok to start from the bottom, it's ok if you're down so bad but never give up, it's not over until it's over. You can make things happen if you're really trying to make it happen. Don't just think that you want it but not doing anything, stop dreaming and start working. 


You must forget the results, you must forget how you feel, you must forget the people trying to bring you down, you must forget the consequences and future if you want to become unstoppable. Being weak and strong is only in the mind, if you have a bold mindset and willing to go all the way then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. You must also no rely on somebody to save your ass, don't look for help, don't look for a scapegoat to blame. You must take full responsibility of your life and never let anyone dictate where you are headed to. You must be the captain of the ship, you must be the leader of your own life, never take leads from anybody, you must make your own decisions and strive for greatness all the time. You must think that your life is like a movie and you are the main character, you are the director and also the writer of the script. Nobody should make you do something unless you like it too. Stay focused and be fast, make bold decisions and make a stand for it. never give up when it is hard, when the road is tough... you need to be tougher. It is possible to win no matter what the stake is, you just need to believe in yourself, believe that hard work and focus pays off  100% all the time. You need to force fate, bend the reality with your willpower and never stop until you become successful. 


Stop wasting time, stop feeling entitle of success you haven't worked for, stop feeling so special to the point where you're wasting a lot of opportunities, stop living a weak life. You need to focus on getting better, focus on trying to become the best version of yourself and you will only achieve it by focusing on yourself and trying to get better everyday. Make an assessment of your hard work, did you really work hard today? or did you just pretend that you are working so you can feel good about yourself? Force greatness into your life by staying disciplined and committed, make up your mind, do you really want it or not? are you willing to give your all or not? the choice is always yours, you have the power to become something great. Choose to become a force by forcing yourself to take actions all the time, stop holding yourself back, stop being a lazy stupid broke person and star forcing things to go your way. 


Turn off procrastination. Turn off doubts, video games, fear, gossips, social media, cellphone, TV. Turn off everything that is making you worse and focus on what's making you a little bit better, as simple as that. Most people can't change because they want the change fast, it will never happen if you're always rushing the process. Change is a commitment, it's a process, it's a lifestyle. Most people say they will change after being rewarded with millions or having someone to lend them huge amount of money, most people say they will change after getting promoted or having a liposuction. Things will never change for you if you will never accept that change is something you need to exert an effort for. Change will only happen if you're making sacrifices and enduring hardships of life. 

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