Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Great risks will create greater rewards, if you face your fears you will get what you want, if you face the unknown then anything is possible for you. 

Most people already knew what's going to happen with their lives yet they keep on hoping for better things to come. They already knew it because they're doing the same thing over and over again. They're exerting the same effort, speaking the same language, repeating the same habits, pushing the same way, thinking the same thoughts. They're not trying something new and that's why they keep on getting the same results everyday. If you want a different result then you better try something new, you better try facing the uncertainty and walk by faith not by sight. Get ready to face the unknowns and feel free to move forward all the time, feel free to take chances and never think that you're wrong for a second. Every path is the right path so even if you take the path less traveled then you're still right, just make sure to promise to yourself to never give up and make a stand for it. It's ok if you don't know anything, just keep taking actions and use your willpower to win. It's ok if you're not sure that you're going to win, just try, you never know, if it's for you then it's for you. If not then there's a better thing waiting for you, you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. Life will become more exciting if you're taking risks, it's ok to be afraid, it's ok to become scared, just don't go back and take your life for granted.

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Monday, November 29, 2021



Be proud that you're working hard, be proud that you are doing it your way and not kissing someone's ass. You have to stop following people, you have to live your life according to your rules and not with other people's rules. It's your life, it's only one, you can never replace it anymore, you have to enjoy your life as much as you can and stop being a slave forever. Never submit to other people, never believe them, never let them control you, live by your rules. Create your own rules, set your own standards and follow it, never let any people affect your way of thinking, never let them manipulate your mind. 


Your mind can think, it can imagine, it can visualize, it can believe. If you have a healthy mind, if you're always thinking positive, if you're optimistic and seeing the beautiful things then best opportunities will be attracted to you, as simple as that. Your mind can take you anywhere if you will believe in the power of it. How to make it powerful? simply feed it with the right thoughts, visualize your dreams everyday, never put any negative thoughts into it and of course work as hard as you can. Your mind will become very powerful if you're taking positive actions and thinking positive thoughts. 


As simple as that, just persevere and you will win, just do whatever it takes and push yourself to the limits and you will win. It's not going to be easy but you have to accept it, accept that it's hard and simply move forward all the time. Be ok with the small and slow progress, just don't stop until you get on top. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Friday, November 26, 2021


One small step at a time is the key to greatness, it's the key to make something great, it's the key to make a progress. Just one small step... do it, start now and never wait, just make steps. One positive step at a time, never feel bad if you made a mistake, never regret if you didn't get anything from it, just keep pushing forward no matter what. Be proud of yourself if you're taking actions because most people couldn't even take the first step, most people couldn't even decide if they will start or not. Be a doer not a waiter, do whatever it takes to push forward, never let yourself be on the same place as yesterday. A small progress is still a progress, every time you push hard you're leveling up, you're getting better so keep moving forward no matter what. Whenever you have a chance to do something... do it without thinking, never hesitate, never procrastinate, just do it and give everything you've got, you don't need to look for any validation, you don't need to look for any approval from anybody... just do it and feel good that you're taking actions. You must get addicted with the process and not with the results, the process alone should be the reward and the results is just a bonus. If you have this kind of mentality then you will go very far because you will be able to work as hard as you can and never give up if you can't see something from it, you will keep working even if you're not getting anything from your effort. Become a monster of taking actions, become a beast, take your work seriously and grind like hell, that's what it is all about. 


What is it to be afraid of? you're in control here, you're always in control. If you can control your mind and entertain only the right thoughts then you're in control, nothing can harm you, nothing can hurt you, nothing can control you. If you can control every thought that's coming in and out of your brain then you will become powerful. Always think positive, always feel optimistic and of course take the right actions and you're already in control of your life, you're the captain of your win ship, you're the driver of the steering wheel, nobody can dictate you were to go, you can go wherever you wanted to go. If you have a positive mind then you will have a great life, it all starts in your head, control your thoughts and you will control your destiny, as simple as that. So relax and just keep moving forward, be patient, avoid getting distracted by petty things and focus on the main things. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 25, 2021


At the end of the day win or lose the only person to blame is you and not anybody else. You're in charge of your life, you're in charge of your decisions. You will fail or succeed not because of other people but because of you. So my greatest advice to you is to create your own style and fully believe in it. Because every time you listen to what other people say you're putting yourself on a worse situation because you're not believing in yourself anymore, trust your instincts, trust your capabilities, trust everything that you can do. Simply moving forward is enough, if you're taking positive actions then you're already right, there's no need to doubt your chosen path, you have to fully trust your decision and live and die with it. And even if you fail... at least you fail in your own way, at least you gifted yourself with belief and you didn't doubt yourself for a second, that's a great feeling because only few people can do that, only few people can believe in themselves without a single doubt. Create your own process, create your own technique, do it your way. Stop listening to your coach, stop listening to teachers, stop listening to successful people, stop listening to failures... just believe in yourself because your heart can never go wrong. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Be fast, don't wait, don't hope, don't day dream and just take actions. If you want to get ahead in life then you should quit thinkin all the time and use all of your energy for taking some actions. You need to keep going even if nothing good is happening, keep trying and never quit until you win. Get ahead in life by simply trying to outwork everyone, be more focused and determined. Have that burning desire and will to win, you have to separate yourself from the pack, don't be like everyone else, create your own world, create your own empire and stop focusing on shits that don't matter. Know what yo want and get it period, stop making excuses, stop feeling lazy and force yourself into taking actions. Never waste any second, never waste this day, never take any opportunity for granted, you have to devour every chances and make the best out of it. Get ahead in life, stop thinking like everyone else, stop doing what they're doing and create your own fat. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com


The  key to success is simply breaking your limits, it's forgetting what you can't do and focusing on what you can do at the moment. It's being faster than yesterday, being stronger than yesterday and believing more than yesterday, as simple as that. Start fast today and finish strong, focus on working, never mind about winning or losing and just work hard. Trust the process, never think that you can only do ten believe that you can do 100, it's in your head, you have to get your head right if you want to get more and be more. Always think big, always do big, push yourself to the limits and break all the boundaries. It's your life, you can be fast or be slow, you can work hard or be lazy. What are you going to choose? something that can put you on top or something that will hold you down forever at the bottom? you've got to pick the right thing and believe in yourself, believe that hard work alone and perseverance can give you anything in life. Focus on taking one step at a time, take baby steps, be patient and give everything you've got. You can become unlimited, you can become unstoppable if you will choose to, just don't stop and believe that you can go further. You can go as far as you can, it all depends on your mindset. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com


If you can't work hard for yourself then why not work hard for somebody else? work hard for someone you really love. Do it for somebody you really care and all the resistance will go. You will become more inspired, you will stop thinking too much and just do it. Dedicate it your dog, mother, sugar mama, sister, step sister, enemy etc. 

If you don't love anyone then dedicate it to yourself, dedicate all of your energy to yourself, make yourself happy, just work for yourself to buy everything you need, it's easy if you will make something as your inspiration. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


You know in yourself if you're going to fail or not, stop lying to yourself, stop pretending that you really want it if you're not giving your all. If you really want it then you will never do anything else other than chasing what you want, if you really want it then you will have a laser focus, you will never give any energy to anything that is outside of your target. If you really want it then you will become faster, you will work harder and you will feel nothing about small things that are distracting you. Even if its a big problem.. you will never get intimidated by it, you will simply push forward no matter what. Because you really know in yourself if you have a chance of winning or not, you know if you didn't take your preparation seriously. Just like a student who has an exam tomorrow, he already knows if he's going to fail, he already knows if he can answer the questions or not. You can predict your future, you know if something good or bad will happen to you. If you did a lot of stupid things today then you already know what will happen tomorrow, you already knew that bad things will also come to you. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Monday, November 22, 2021


It's easier to work if you will never check for the results, it's more fun to do the process if you will completely detach yourself from the outcome. You have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. Hustle alone will make you happier and more fulfilled, it's ok if you keep on hustling bust still get nothing, there's nothing wrong with that. The good thing about it is you're becoming a better person, you're becoming faster and mentally stronger, your work ethic is getting stronger and you're creating a lot of good habits into your system. Success will come in just a matter of time, be patient and don't be afraid to wait for a long time. Keep trying while everyone is giving up, it's easier to become successful nowadays because most people were soft, they give up on the first try, they quit easily and will never even dare to try again. Don't check for the results and keep moving forward let's see what you will be able to get by having this kind of mentality, just move forward, stick to it and never let go. Quit being needy of the results because it will make you frustrated, just give your very best every single day and never compare yourself to others. Because seeing them being successful is only making you depressed even more, it's making you sad and slow, you will think that there is something wrong with you. Just focus on your own journey and do whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. Life will be happier if you will not check for the results. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com


Being weak or being strong is a choice, it starts within you, it's up to you if you will choose the path of weakness or if you will choose the path of warriors. Everyday you can get stronger and stronger, everyday you can get weaker and weaker, it all depends on the quality of your thoughts and the actions that you are taking. The good news is you always have a choice, nobody will choose it for you, you have to choose it for yourself. Never let anything make you feel weak, never let anything affect your mentality. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 21, 2021


May it be about business, arts, music, athletics, education, chasing a gold medal in olympics, trying to make a girl fall in love with you... don't stop.  Whatever you are doing don't stop it, it's the only way to win. Life is really that way, you keep on tripping, you keep on failing but you have to stand up and do whatever it takes to win, there's no backing out, there's no going back, you have to go all in and give everything you've got. It's the only way to know if you can do it or not. If you don't want to have regrets in life then you better keep persevering and never give up, as simple as that. You only have one life, the best way to repay your life it so squeeze everything you can squeeze from it, try with all your might and never half ass commit to what you're trying to achieve. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 18, 2021


Become blind, never see any obstacle, never see any challenge meaning you don't see any reason why you will fail, you don't see any reason why you can't do it. You just do it even if it's hard, you just push forward whenever you can and you never care if it's hard or easy, you just do it. You're focused on the process, focus on winning and not on complaining. That's the only way to succeed... to push forward no matter what and never care if something is trying to stop you. Nothing can derail your success if you have that willpower to keep pushing no matter what. Everything is going to be easy if you will adjust your mindset on how to deal with things, never judge a situation if it's hard... embrace it. Because that's all you can do... to keep pushing forward even if it's so damn difficult. Because if you will not push then you will remain on the same place forever, as simple as that. Never see any obstacle, never count yourself out, you need to go for it even if you need to climb the highest mountain. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Decide that you're not going o quit, decide that you will pursue it with all your might, decide that you will persevere no matter what and you will feel really invincible. Embrace everything including the pain and struggle, embrace what may happen. Fully live in the moment and never complain when you feel uncomfortable. You will become stronger and powerful if you don't have a victim mindset. Keep moving forward all the time, do whatever it takes to succeed and never give up, as simple as that. You will feel invincible if you will push yourself to the limits and master your work. Master your mind, master your emotions, don't react to everything, focus on your own journey and have fun with the process. It's not about looking dominant, it's about not giving up. You will feel really strong if your mindset is to go further and never stop when something bad happens. You just need to move forward and everything will be possible to you. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com


Avoiding failure is already failing, you can never avoid failing and that is the truth in life. But there is a difference between failing now and failing forever. failing now means you fail by trying, you take risk and you give yourself a chance to win. While on the other hand, failing forever means you already quit and you don't want to try anymore because you're already scared to death to failure, you don't want to feel it again. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Monday, November 15, 2021


Discipline and action creates self esteem, it will give you confidence to win. If you're working hard, if you will just move instead of overthinking then you will get results, even if you didn't get results... it's better for your mental game because it will stop you from worrying and being scared. Taking actions is the only way to create confidence, you just do it. If you need to ask a girl you just ask her, no hesitations, no dramas. If you need to apply for a job you just apply, no excuses... all actions. It's too simple, you will only get an answer if you will ask, and you will only be able to ask if you will move. You can never get anything if you will act like a lazy bum. Make the process simple.. just move all the time even if you're not so sure that you're going to win. Because at the end of the day, people who try and do something were happier than people who take their lives for granted. Stop wasting time figuring things, stop daydreaming and just execute. You have the power to create the life you desire, it all starts now, what are you waiting for? if you're always waiting then you will never win, you will never get anything, it's all about being fast and having the willingness to fail. The truth is... you will feel much better if you try even if you fail, you will feel so weak if you didn't even do something to get what you want. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Saturday, November 13, 2021


Trying to impress people, trying to look good, trying to please people... you already gave your power to them, you already submit to them, they're in control of you already. Don't try to look nice and submissive all the time, you should create a space between you and other people. They should feel that you're hiding something or is not willing to be controlled, they should not feel comfortable with you all the time. Because the moment they feel that you're afraid of getting called bad or not wanting to look disrespectful.. they will control you. Know how to read the situation, be willing to walk away if you need to, be willing to walk alone but don't let other people control you or tell you what to do because you're trying to please them. Learn to say no all the time, when you say no you have to mean it, don't change it, don't let other people affect your decision. It's your life, you got to do what you got to do, so what if you don't look nice, so what if you don't look cool. Don't rub elbows with people that will only take advantage of you. Don't do something because you want them to show you some respect, don't try to look great to other people. Just focus on your life, focus on trying to make yourself better and that's it. 

You don't need to please them, you just need to do it your way, you just need to give yourself more respect then giving respect to others. Because in the end you will feel bad if you did a lot of good things to people but still you didn't get the respect you think you deserve. People likes you if they like you, even if you're not doing something impressive... they will still like you. You can never change an impression of people to you, if someone dislikes you then he dislike you forever, as simple as that. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Friday, November 12, 2021


So what if you look like a fool? so what if you're trying so hard and not getting anything? it's ok, at least you're trying. When people could have tried but they choose not to, when many people could have keep going but they choose to quit, you're too ahead of them because you're pushing forward and doing whatever it takes to succeed, you're moving on the right direction. It doesn't matter if you're winning or not what matters is you keep trying and you have no plan of giving up. What matters is you're taking one positive action at a time and you still believe that one day you're going to win. Let them speak, let them talk and criticize you, you have to focus on your own journey and never give any attention to the dogs that are barking. 

Focus on your goals and never leave them, give all of your time and energy to your goals and you will become happier than ever. Because the reason why you're too sad and lacks energy is because you're too focusing on what other people are doing, you don't believe in your potential. Have a different approach now, work as hard as you can and as fast as you can, try so hard. It doesn't mater if you look like a fool now, everyone who is starting and dreaming big gets ridiculed, it's ok to get laugh at, it's temporary, one day is going to be your day, one day you will succeed and they will be the one who is kissing your ass. So keep grinding and keep persevering, you have a chance, devour any opportunity and never stop. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

Monday, November 1, 2021


It's ok if you keep failing all the time, it's ok if you're not getting anything for now, it's normal. You still have to keep trying because that's the only path to success. If you will stop, if you will give up then you will never get it as simple as that. It's so obvious that quitting will stop your journey, the only choice you have is to keep trying until you win. Forget about what the expert say, forget about the keyboard warriors say, just be yourself and never stop until you win. Because it's your life, you can do whatever you want with it, you can work forever, you can try forever, nothing can stop you. That's the only way to avoid regrets in the end... to test yourself if you can do it, to give your very best and do whatever it takes you become successful. You can only see your full potential if you keep grinding and endure failure. Failure is nothing, it's just a word, life is a journey, it feels much better trying again and again rather than quitting and making excuses. Excuses is for the weak, quitting is for the losers, for as long as you're trying nobody has a right to labeled you as a loser because you still have a chance. So go and get it, try again for one more time, don't stop, keep pushing forward and see how far can you go. See what are the things you can achieve by simply giving your best and not giving up. 

Don't be afraid if they tell you that you're trying hard, their words doesn't matter at all. People will try to bring you down and it's your duty to ignore what they say, focus on what you're trying to achieve and make yourself a king. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com