Monday, April 5, 2021


Believe in the power of pushing, believe that anything that you're doing matters even if it's not creating high quality results for now. Pushing something will make it move. Just like in creating a you tube channel that you wanted to succeed, it may not gather subscribers or views for now but if you keep on pushing then it will move, it will become big, it will grow. One push at at time, one work at a time, believe in the power of compound effect. If you can do something everyday then it will add up and create a bigger result one day. All it takes is perseverance, patience and the will to win. One push is enough then follow it through, you don't need to become great right away, you don't need fast results but you need a fast action. Do it now, stop waiting, stop procrastinating and simply do it now, whatever it takes to improve a little bit... do it now. 

Stop holding yourself back, stop thinking if you're right or wrong and simply execute. Forget what other people say, forget what other people are doing, mind your own business and focus on your own journey. Money will come, growth will be achieved greatness will be felt if you keep on pushing and pushing and pushing. It's an endless process, you should never stop, you should keep on pushing until the end. It's a very simple thing, all you have to do is keep pushing, keep persevering and find a way how to win. You can do it if you really want it. The time for being lazy is over, the time for being a pussy no longer exist, you have to do whatever it takes to get what you want. 

One push is enough, after you push then push for more, believe in everything you do, believe that you're going to make it no matter what. Just do it now, act now and never take no for an answer. Never quit, never give up and just keep pushing. It's hard, it's stressful, it's difficult but look at the rewards in the end, you must think about the bigger picture, you must be patient. All it takes is one push, follow through and never stop. 

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