Saturday, July 31, 2021

if you can't get attention here is what you need to do

Most people were dying just to get an attention, they want to become popular, they want to be known, they want to have followers for marketing purposes, they want people to admire them and believe them because that's human nature, most people wants the limelight. But the truth is... some people get it and some people not. Some people were blessed to have the charisma to command people while others were cursed with ugly looks and weak sex appeal. It is what it is, the world is unfair, life is unfair and it is suppose to be like that, don't complain about it, don't make dramas about it. Don't ever think that the world should be fair and you deserve something better. Don't expect too much if you're ugly looking or doesn't have that vibe to make people like you, accept your ugliness, accept that yo don't have a talent but don't ever give up. 

If you can't get any attention then there is only one way to become happy... don't give them attention, don't give them your time, don't give them your energy. Don't give them some love, just love yourself, focus on what you do, focus on becoming better and time will come that they can never ignore you because your level was so high, keep soaring, keep pushing, don't ever let them manipulate your mind by offering you entertainment and fun that you don't even need. You need your time, own it, never give it to someone that doesn't even matter. 

You will have your time. Time will come and you will prevail, you just need to persevere for now and give your best every single day. Focus on your own journey, never let someone have a free rent in your head, never let someone occupy your mind, you need to have a strong mind if you want to go to the top, and you can only have a strong mind if you will focus on yourself and doing the best you can every single second to succeed. 

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Friday, July 2, 2021


Disregard everything right now, forget everything that is not helping you to reach your goal. Because it's the only thing you must do to become successful, you need to have a laser focus here or else you will never win. It is what it is, your life should be all about work and nothing else. Everything you do must help you accomplish your goal. There's no time for wasting time, if you really want it then you have to do whatever it takes including forgetting your happiness, including not entertaining yourself. You're thinking too much and that's why you can't make a small progress. What if you stop thinking and focus on moving? what if you just work as hard as you can and allow yourself to go further and further? what do you think your life would be? It's not about perfection, it's not about looking dominant and flawless... it's about doing it and going hard as you can. 

The reason why it's hard for you to make a progress is because your subconscious mind is controlling you. It's processing a lot of information every now and then and your body is following it. If it's reminding you about your crush in high school then you will just day dream all day. If it's reminding you the failures from the past then you will become depressed. Focus on what you can do now and forget if you will become successful or not, it's about not giving up, it's not about winning or losing. Because the more you think about winning... the larger the gap will be, the resistance will become stronger because you will always think that you need to make it. The point here is... you don't know if you can make it or not, that's why you need to focus on what you can control and that is taking actions and taking full ownership of your thoughts. Forget everything and make a run, keep moving forward, campaign for your idea. Always push yourself to the limits and never feel bad if you get tired but didn't get anything. Start now, forget if you are good enough, forget if you are skilled enough, forget about how much time remaining in your life... just make a run and push yourself to the limits. Make sure you give everything you've got so won't have any regrets in life. 

Always keep moving forward... that's they key, don't stop, don't think too much, don't ever complain, don't make excuses. Make yourself legendary by simply trying to work as hard as you can. Be fast as you can, once you see yourself getting lazy... slap yourself and go back to work. Be a man on a mission. Greatness is yours if you will claim it, go and get it. You deserve the best things in life, forget everything and make a run. You have a chance, give yourself the authority to become creative, make yourself a winner. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: