Friday, December 17, 2021


It's a normal thing, it's never an issue anymore. You will be judged, you will be scrutinized, you will be criticized, this is a mean and nasty world and if you're not strong enough then you will fall down. You will feel depressed by their words, you will lose confidence a little but but that's ok, it's part of life. The good new is you will grow from it, you will become a better person, you will lose some confidence but you will be able to get it back. So keep expressing yourself and don't be afraid of what people say, don't be afraid if they brutally mock you, just keep calm and keep doing your thing, never quit because that's all you need to do. You may lose your confidence, you may lose the trust that people gave you, you may lose a lot of things but never quit. Because if you don't quit then good things will happen, as simple as that, all you need to do is keep persevering, be patient and keep working harder everyday... good things will come and you will have a breakthrough in life. Don't be afraid if the whole world is against your idea, it's ok, never let any hate change your mind. 

What the say is just a sound, give it no meaning and it will be powerless. Consider it as just a noise that aims to toughen you and make you better. Keep fighting for what you want and never stop, that's all you need to do. You will be able to bend the rules if you don't quit, you will be able to change your reality if you keep plodding no matter what. It's only hard in the beginning but eventually it will be easier as the time goes by. 

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