Thursday, December 16, 2021


Work hard for yourself, work hard for making your life better, work hard for your own evolution and growth. Don't work hard for anybody else, don't work hard for a politician that's only using you, don't work hard for someone who's only abusing you and not helping you to grow. Work hard for yourself so that you will become happier. Work hard for yourself so that you will have no regrets, you have to believe in your work, believe that every step is putting yourself on a better position to evolve. 

Every second you are investing your time the question is where are you putting it? The game plan is very simple, work hard for yourself. Work for a company for yourself, not for your friends who wants to borrow your money, not for a relative who's waiting for your blessing and share. Work hard because you are doing it to reward yourself, you are doing it to put yourself on a better position. Never invest your time and energy for people who are a liability, if you're not getting something from them back then you need to leave them, ignore them and just pretend that you're too busy. Be selfish with your time, be selfish with your money because it's for you, you can give it when you have a lot but if you feel that it's only enough for you then stop sharing because it's depriving yourself with happiness. 

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