Monday, December 20, 2021


If you're a garbage man and you feel like a real shit with your work... you have to like it, you have no other choice but to love it. If your situation is hard and you feel so stress... you still have to like it, it's the only way to feel much much better. Enjoy the rape, enjoy the abuse, enjoy what's going on. If you're sick and can't get out of bed... you have to like it, accept it, embrace it because that's the best way to feel much better. Because things will only get worse if you keep hating, your situation will never change if you can't learn how to love the most difficult moments of your life. Learn to adapt to any kind of situation and find a way how to thrive. But progress will never happen if you keep on cursing your situation, you have to accept it with all your heart and never give up. 

Like everything in your life and your life will become much much easier. It's not so hard to do. All you have to do is love it even if it's ugly, embrace it even if it's too uncomfortable and don't ever complain. Keep moving forward and never stop. 

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