Saturday, December 18, 2021


I remember this story when I was in college,  I have a crush on this hot girl, she was the most popular girl in our course, I think she knows that I like her but I was so afraid to ask her out on a date because a lot of boys will get mad at me. They will even think that I am dreaming because I was nobody. But sometimes this hot chick is giving me a signal, she's making me feel that she likes me too. One day I was surprised that she gave me a box that was wrapped with a shiny wrapper, I opened it and found out that it was an underwear. It was colored red, it smells so good and I was even addicted to sniffing it. Maybe that was a sign that she wants me to make a move but because I was so afraid to get rejected, I still didn't ask her out. I told the story to some of my closest friends and they told me to go for it, they even told me to just ask her on a date and take her to bed. But I was so scared, I am thinking that this girl might be playing me, I was also scared that some boys in our school will get jealous with me. Months have passed and this girl got cold on me, she's not even staring at me anymore then later I found out that she already have a boyfriend. 

My heart was broke, I was in full regrets but there is nothing I can do anymore. If only I tried to court her or put my hands on her then maybe the result would be different. The moral lesson of this is you should go for it especially when there are signals to go for it. Don't be a pussy, don't think too much, don't make excuses. You have to go for it and devour the opportunity, never let it go. Even if there are no signs that you must go for it... still go for it. You never know what might happen if you give it a try. The most painful feeling is the feeling of regrets, you would want to go back to the past but there is nothing you can do anymore. In life you really have to be fast, you really have to show the universe that you want it so bad. You really have to give your all or else you will never win. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you really want it, do you want it so bad? are you willing to go the extra mile just to win? 

Stop making excuses, stop being a coward and just do it. If you want a hot chick go and ask her number, take her to home, make love with her and make sure she really feel that you want her. 

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