Wednesday, December 1, 2021


And the truth is...their feedbacks were irrelevant, it is nothing, it can never help you. For as long as you're pushing and doing whatever it takes then you're on the right path. Everybody has something to say, they think they know everything but the truth is they also don't what to do when they're put on fire and feeling the pressure big time. All people were just good in talking but very poor in executing. That's why you have to trust yourself and not others. Because at the end of the day you will only have regrets if you didn't follow your heart. 

It's not about having a big ego or having a big head, it's about focusing on your beliefs and trusting yourself to the fullest. There is nothing wrong with that, there's nothing wrong in following your instincts. If you feel that their advice were completely useless then never follow it. Follow your heart, follow your gut and never hesitate to take actions. It's simply about moving forward and nothing else. Sometimes their words were only causing confusion, it's only instilling fears into your head. So the best thing to do is follow your heart and give your very best no matter what. 

If you don't know what to do then just go hard, be fast and try to out work everyone, as simple as that. Be a mad mad, be a man on a mission, never stop if you're tired, stop when you're already successful. You're so sick and tired of being a bum right? now is the time to prove to yourself that you can also do something great. Ignore their critics, ignore their feedbacks, ignore their suggestions and just follow your heart. Because it's a shame if you have something in your head but didn't follow it. It's your life, you can choose, you can decide for yourself. 

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