Saturday, November 13, 2021


Trying to impress people, trying to look good, trying to please people... you already gave your power to them, you already submit to them, they're in control of you already. Don't try to look nice and submissive all the time, you should create a space between you and other people. They should feel that you're hiding something or is not willing to be controlled, they should not feel comfortable with you all the time. Because the moment they feel that you're afraid of getting called bad or not wanting to look disrespectful.. they will control you. Know how to read the situation, be willing to walk away if you need to, be willing to walk alone but don't let other people control you or tell you what to do because you're trying to please them. Learn to say no all the time, when you say no you have to mean it, don't change it, don't let other people affect your decision. It's your life, you got to do what you got to do, so what if you don't look nice, so what if you don't look cool. Don't rub elbows with people that will only take advantage of you. Don't do something because you want them to show you some respect, don't try to look great to other people. Just focus on your life, focus on trying to make yourself better and that's it. 

You don't need to please them, you just need to do it your way, you just need to give yourself more respect then giving respect to others. Because in the end you will feel bad if you did a lot of good things to people but still you didn't get the respect you think you deserve. People likes you if they like you, even if you're not doing something impressive... they will still like you. You can never change an impression of people to you, if someone dislikes you then he dislike you forever, as simple as that. 

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