Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Decide that you're not going o quit, decide that you will pursue it with all your might, decide that you will persevere no matter what and you will feel really invincible. Embrace everything including the pain and struggle, embrace what may happen. Fully live in the moment and never complain when you feel uncomfortable. You will become stronger and powerful if you don't have a victim mindset. Keep moving forward all the time, do whatever it takes to succeed and never give up, as simple as that. You will feel invincible if you will push yourself to the limits and master your work. Master your mind, master your emotions, don't react to everything, focus on your own journey and have fun with the process. It's not about looking dominant, it's about not giving up. You will feel really strong if your mindset is to go further and never stop when something bad happens. You just need to move forward and everything will be possible to you. 

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