Monday, November 15, 2021


Discipline and action creates self esteem, it will give you confidence to win. If you're working hard, if you will just move instead of overthinking then you will get results, even if you didn't get results... it's better for your mental game because it will stop you from worrying and being scared. Taking actions is the only way to create confidence, you just do it. If you need to ask a girl you just ask her, no hesitations, no dramas. If you need to apply for a job you just apply, no excuses... all actions. It's too simple, you will only get an answer if you will ask, and you will only be able to ask if you will move. You can never get anything if you will act like a lazy bum. Make the process simple.. just move all the time even if you're not so sure that you're going to win. Because at the end of the day, people who try and do something were happier than people who take their lives for granted. Stop wasting time figuring things, stop daydreaming and just execute. You have the power to create the life you desire, it all starts now, what are you waiting for? if you're always waiting then you will never win, you will never get anything, it's all about being fast and having the willingness to fail. The truth is... you will feel much better if you try even if you fail, you will feel so weak if you didn't even do something to get what you want. 

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