Friday, November 26, 2021


One small step at a time is the key to greatness, it's the key to make something great, it's the key to make a progress. Just one small step... do it, start now and never wait, just make steps. One positive step at a time, never feel bad if you made a mistake, never regret if you didn't get anything from it, just keep pushing forward no matter what. Be proud of yourself if you're taking actions because most people couldn't even take the first step, most people couldn't even decide if they will start or not. Be a doer not a waiter, do whatever it takes to push forward, never let yourself be on the same place as yesterday. A small progress is still a progress, every time you push hard you're leveling up, you're getting better so keep moving forward no matter what. Whenever you have a chance to do something... do it without thinking, never hesitate, never procrastinate, just do it and give everything you've got, you don't need to look for any validation, you don't need to look for any approval from anybody... just do it and feel good that you're taking actions. You must get addicted with the process and not with the results, the process alone should be the reward and the results is just a bonus. If you have this kind of mentality then you will go very far because you will be able to work as hard as you can and never give up if you can't see something from it, you will keep working even if you're not getting anything from your effort. Become a monster of taking actions, become a beast, take your work seriously and grind like hell, that's what it is all about. 

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