Monday, November 1, 2021


It's ok if you keep failing all the time, it's ok if you're not getting anything for now, it's normal. You still have to keep trying because that's the only path to success. If you will stop, if you will give up then you will never get it as simple as that. It's so obvious that quitting will stop your journey, the only choice you have is to keep trying until you win. Forget about what the expert say, forget about the keyboard warriors say, just be yourself and never stop until you win. Because it's your life, you can do whatever you want with it, you can work forever, you can try forever, nothing can stop you. That's the only way to avoid regrets in the end... to test yourself if you can do it, to give your very best and do whatever it takes you become successful. You can only see your full potential if you keep grinding and endure failure. Failure is nothing, it's just a word, life is a journey, it feels much better trying again and again rather than quitting and making excuses. Excuses is for the weak, quitting is for the losers, for as long as you're trying nobody has a right to labeled you as a loser because you still have a chance. So go and get it, try again for one more time, don't stop, keep pushing forward and see how far can you go. See what are the things you can achieve by simply giving your best and not giving up. 

Don't be afraid if they tell you that you're trying hard, their words doesn't matter at all. People will try to bring you down and it's your duty to ignore what they say, focus on what you're trying to achieve and make yourself a king. 

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