Thursday, June 22, 2023


If you survive this day you already won, there is nothing else to worry about. Surviving is winning, most people were thinking too much and that's why they can't win in life. Life is breathing, standing, being strong and not giving up. it's taking risk, giving yourself a chance to win, giving your best and surviving all the challenges, as simple as that. You don't need to worry about what's going to happen tomorrow, just face life, take it one second at a time and never give up. It's too easy and basic, just survive for today and try again tomorrow. Survive your business, job, relationship, career, idea, dream, goal, friendship, position, house, car, bills and any other things that you need to survive. Don't look too far ahead, you don't need to become great right away. Just get stronger everyday and that's it. Make your mental game stronger, make your work ethic stronger, it's all you need and you're good. Life is too simple and basic, just give everything you've got and you will get everything you need. be happy surviving, be happy taking actions, be appreciative of what you have and never compare yourself to anyone. If you can  survive this day then you're a hero, you're a winner. Surviving means power, it means you want it bad enough, it means you're not a quitter. And not being a quitter is already a winner. If you will not quit then you will win win the future, as simple as that. So keep surviving, keep trying, there is always tomorrow, there is always a next chance. Forget about failing a lot of times, failure is not real if you're not quitting. 

You want difficulty, you want challenge, you just knew that you get stronger every time you face the pain. You're not worried about what's going to happen next, you're here to survive because you just knew in the future you're going to thrive. 

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