Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Ignore all the naysayers, ignore all the people telling you that you're not going to win because you will. You just need to believe in yourself, work as hard as you can and never listen to anybody. This is your journey, it is your life, you need to trust yourself and follow your heart. Stop believing the doubters, stop doubting yourself and just do what you need to do. Because at the end of the day you will have regrets if you don't follow your heart. It's you and you only who can judge yourself, you will be the one who will try, you're the one who will work hard, they have no right to say anything against you. Just ignore those clowns, ignore those punks because couldn't even dare to try. You're a risk taker, a mover, a doer... they're nothing compared to you. They will never understand it because they're too scared to shine, they're too scared to fail. And when you're afraid to fail... you have no right to succeed, that's the basic rule, that's the law of success that you need to follow. You have to give everything you've got, you have to push yourself t the limits, you have to stretch yourself and see what is possible if you don't give up. They can say everything they want but never let those words get into your head, never let those poisonous and weak people affect your mentality. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com

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