Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Who the hell do they think they are? they're not immortals, they're not supermen. It's your time now, claim it and make the best out of it. Their time is over, you are the new sheriff in town now. What use to be a bum and clown is a superior now, you better take over, control the situation, drive the steering wheel because the power is yours. Stop being shy, stop trying to become too humble, you have what it takes to succeed, you just need to remind yourself that you need to push yourself to the limits and that's it. Seize the moment, stay present and put your eyes on the prize, you will only win if you're not afraid to lose. You will only make a breakthrough if you're not afraid to tear yourself down, so go all the way and take the throne, take what is for you, you have to stay strong and impose your will. You have to grind like hell and show them what you've got. It's your time now, don't wait for tomorrow, don't trust the future, you have to own the present moment and do whatever you can to become successful. 

Change your life, change your habits and perspective, please visit for more great stories: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://ika815.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com

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