Thursday, September 1, 2022


If you want to have more money then simply save money, every earnings you have... save it. It's either you invest it or keep it, stop spending it, act like broke, don't spend money for one year and you will have a lot of money. Getting wealthy is simply mastering delayed gratification. Why will you spend your money if you can keep it? wear fake shoes, wear old clothes, stop going to parties, stop trying to look cool and stay humble. Stop impressing people, you need to hustle seriously and work on multiple jobs... do this for 5-10 years and you will become a millionaire. The girls will come, the gold diggers will go after you, you don't need to chase them, if you have money then people will run towards you. But you need to be smart, don't let them use you, don't let them abuse you. You have to keep your money so you will stay in power. You have to be good in detecting users and abusers, get rid of them once you found them. 

At the end of the day you will only feel powerful if you have money, you will feel weak if you have nothing. So make as much money as you can and never stop, just make your net worth bigger and bigger every year. Growing should be your number one priority and not spending. Because if you will never control your bad spending habits then you're simply wasting your time and energy. You will be trapped in a vicious cycle forever. You will work and spend all your money forever, you need to stop the cycle, you need to create your own economy. Save money and work hard, stop working hard and burning your money for stupid cellphone or gadgets, you're wearing yourself out by doing it. Stop trying to be fancy, stop trying to look cool and just save all of your money for business or future investments. You have to be smart where your money goes, don't let it go to stupid entertainment or something, don't let it go to the wrong hands. 

You don't need people to like you, if you're constantly trying to impress people by buying stupid stuffs to make you look rich then you will get broke later, the question is how long can you pretend to be rich? stay humble and never try to impress people, if they like you they like you, if they don't then they don't you can never force them to like you so just be yourself. At the end of the day some people will like you no matter what clothes you wear. You don't need to stay on trend, you don't need to look updated, act like broke and surprise them later. Once you're already rich and powerful you can buy anything you want. But for now you need to make sacrifices and deprive yourself of everything, that's how to become rich... endure the pain first and celebrate later. 

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